Who beat who up.....why do we give a crap?
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Why the do we support this? |
I got a bitty miffed this morning whenst I saw a post on Faceplant regaling the story of how apparently those silly old men known as 'judges' at the Mayweather versus Pacquiao boxing stoush last weekend, may very well have gotten their scores mixed up.
Consequently the suggestion is that apparently, the other guy actually beat up the other guy instead and so, should have won, or something.
Now the reason for my irritation, I abhor violence.
Don't get me wrong, like most chaps long of leg and deep of voice, I enjoy a good 'bomb-cam' video depicting a cruise missile streaking into a building in Twatistan.
The news that as a result someone has passed on, in several pieces most likely, is tragic and I while I very much feel for Mr Qaeda's family, I'm also enormously entertained by the explosion, preferably plural.
To be fair though, and in an attempt to rationalise the hideous drone induced hail of death, I like to believe that if not a terrorist mastermind, the unfortunate victim of Uncle Sam's vengeance was likely a wife beater and as a result, very much deserved his performance appraisal with Mr Napalm.
Apologise for having a penis
Now most lesbians and Green Party supporters will of course suggest that I'm simply an awful man with awful views. That I must at once apologise for having a penis and should be removed from society in order that my thoughts, and those of anyone suggesting adverse commentary to their own, should not be heard.
Rather than engage in this form of fascism I take the view that yes, violence is entirely unacceptable, however sometimes and very rarely, it is necessary.
Bloody well ban it!
Boxing however in an utter nonsense and is entirely unnecessary.
It encourages domestic violence responsible for countless family abuses and teaches our children that in order to solve their differences, rather than discuss matters sensibly and constructively, the winner and holder of the correct view will be the one who punches hardest. It is wrong and as much as I disagree with banning anything, this nonsense...should be bloody well banned!
Planning a dirty weekend
You see there are perfectly ordinary blokes out there who on any normal day are dutifully and peacefully taking the kids to school, chatting with other parents about catering arrangements for the upcoming sports day, thinking about what delicacy might be picked up at the supermarket to cook for the family dinner later that evening.
Maybe in the mind of this Mr Niceguy there's a lingering worry about that mate who seemed a bit down last week and that perhaps a visit with a beer or two might cheer him up.
There might even be some thought as to painting the spare room, or organising a surprise dirty weekend away when endless joy and merriment can be had.
Obviously the latter will be immediately dismissed as a stupid idea, but it's the thought that counts.
Baying baboons screaming for blood
But then, a few adverts on TV for the latest round of a boxing contest, some clips of the overpaid plastic men with their big mittens, a bit of gambling to the tune of placing one's pension and family home on the line and all of a sudden everything turns into a group of baying baboons screaming for blood demanding that someone be killed.
And it's not restricted to men either.
In fact the big surprise is that those who you might never expect to engage in such nonsense do.
I guarantee you've heard someone you know who you'd never expect to, discuss or talk about this boxing nonsense.
I'll bet you bumped into Auntie Doris in the supermarket. You know, sweet old nice Auntie Doris who looked after your children when they were small.
Shortly thereafter she became a nun you see, and has been fighting the good fight feeding aids ridden beggars in Somalia for the last 40 years.
Pool of his own excrement
No sooner have you finished the chat on how carrots have gone up in price and she's off ranting about how she loved watching the boxing and when that 'Mexican looking mans' eye exploded and how she desperately wanted him to die slowly and painfully in a pool of his own excrement.
What's even more shocking is that in the case of Mayweather vs Pacquiao, the two 'fighters' earned in excess of $100 million each. $100 million for punching someone!
I guarantee there will be kids today in this world, who as a result of this nonsense either now want to be boxers, or more worryingly think it's acceptable to hit someone or worse still, went out and beat someone up because they felt empowered by watching this bollocks.
What I'd do is take those nasty terrorist chappies, the boxingists, the promoters and all the baying baboons, stick them in a suspicious looking house in northern Afghanistan and tell them to go for it.
Then I'd sit, with a beer and some chippies in front of the TV and wait for the newest, bestest 'bom-cam' video ever!
Thanks for reading comments are always welcome and catch you next time.
Bill Lockhart - is that you? ;-)
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you for your comment Mr Lockhart. My response is thus...when I said comments are most welcome I meant it most sincerely! However, and yes there is a however. I draw the line at comparisons with the views of my well meaning, however deeply deluded and quite mad old man. While such commentary may be accurate, indeed perhaps merited, it is the source of much expense at the local psychiatrist and I'd rather gloss over it swiftly and with little regard to reality if you don't mind! Hehehe