All protesters should be clubbed to death!
As a result of this rant, those of a right wing persuasion will no doubt immediately leap to describe me as some form of 'conspiracy theorist', or as is more likely, a 'complete looney', given my temerity, my habit of indulging in an independent thought process that suggests our role as people is to help and support one another.
You know, creating a society where we care for those around us, one where we shop locally thus creating and forging a locally based economy and we take part in society to the point that society is better because of it. I know, an utterly disgusting concept.
I don't believe that is some form of Marxist or Leninist principle, nor it is not a view created through any form of far left societal view. It's significantly more fundamental than that.
Archaeology shows us that our earliest societies were based on co-operation. The idea that as people we are all good at different things and that collectively, we can form an environment where all members of the community can benefit from the abilities of the many.
Re-direct our economic bus
What happened to us? When did it become that we all started to be concerned with nothing but ourselves and why we can now think of nothing but what we can screw out of those around us? Why is it the case that as a human beings today we're conditioned and expected to concentrate on our own personal wealth development above all else and that the concept of a collectively beneficial society means so little as to be almost embarrassing to discuss.
In an recent post to this blog I discussed our global economy. I suggested that as a populace we had failed to re-direct our economic bus for the collective good down the correct path, and in fact we're now too late to change our bus's course as the wealthy had won.
Those who control our economies, our 'bus', have created a fiscal reality that means we now had no choice but to follow the direction set by them, otherwise the entire system would blow up and we'd all end up in a world filled with excrement, living in cardboard boxes and vomiting up our own intestines.
But I'll go further than that. Not only have the wealthy won, but they've done so in the best way possible.
They've managed to create a situation where no-one cares that the world's wealth is being stolen by the few.
Yes they've funded the slow and gentle killing of the protest in us. They've created a society where we're all required to be so concerned with how we're going to meet the mortgage payment next week that not only do we allow ourselves to be right royally bent over a barrel by the world's richest 1% every day of our lives, but we feel so powerless to challenge the situation that we ignore this good rogering completely and concentrate on who in turn we can bend over our own albeit significantly smaller barrel.
The lovely Bush and Cheney
Back in the 1960's lesbians and women with likely little sense of humour burned their bras in an attempt to force greater equality of the sexes onto the political agenda. In the early 1970's millions of people marched across the globe to protest the Vietnam War and sang what became the mantra of a movement, "all we are saying, is give peace a chance".
Even in the early millenia years, people in cities throughout the world took to the streets to suggest that the lovely Bush and Cheney probably shouldn't really be invading another sovereign nation on the basis of evidence that turned out to be so thin as to make the real reasons behind the invasion brutally obvious.
But and this is the point. As a result of corporate policies developed to an increasing degree over the last 50 or 60 years and designed to ensure the average westerner is forced to worry more about job security and how to pay for the 60inch smart TV, even when we all discovered that corporate America invaded Iraq for no other reason than to get it's decidedly grubby paws on middle eastern oil, what did we do?
Did we take to the streets demanding action? Did we start asking questions? Did we hold those responsible to account? Did the invaders, the men who killed hundreds of thousands of people to get their hands on money end up in the dock on charges of crimes against humanity?
No of course not, they remained in power, got pensioned off in 2009 and more than likely will be starring very soon in the mother of all sequels "Let's Kill Some More Poor Folks and Get Rich Part 62".
A population in flux with constantly competing factions
And do the majority of us care? Are we aghast with horror and righteous indignation as another 628 women and children are killed as a result of western policies in hot-spots around the world? Do we understand that there is a reasonable argument to suggest that Messrs Bush and Cheney never actually wanted 'freedom' for Iraq?
You see if you're anxious to be off over the hill with the loot and a smile before anyone has noticed, a population in flux with constantly competing factions is a good thing.
As long as you've secured the oil pipelines and the resulting revenue, having the nation whose oil you're stealing incapable of mounting a collective and cohesive political response as a result of constant infighting is massively beneficial.
Now I'm being slightly unfair in that we do still see protest in our world. We do still have martyrs (I'm going to use that word very carefully) who are prepared to stand up for what they believe and I for one, will applaud anyone who offers some dissent and shouts from the heavens any view that has collective benefit and the moral majority on its side. But the problem is two-fold.
Dirty Bomb
'Occupy' for example. You know those folks who protested corporate greed by camping-out peacefully in some of our most influential financial centres.
They had no more intent than causing us all to think about the issues at hand and the only dirty bomb likely to cause any real concern was one in the form of the washing baskets of the most committed.
However our media is so bought and paid for we were all brainwashed into believing these silly long haired hippies were a danger to the very fabric of our society and were they not immediately gassed and clubbed into submission, almost certainly we'd all be devoured by communism and at the mercy of Islamic terrorists.
The majority of us lapped this up and agreed wholeheartedly that yes, that bloke with nothing more offensive to offer than a sensible argument and a questionable attitude to bathing should be dragged off by his unconditioned hair and imprisoned for 40 years.
In 2011, Police in London shot and killed a man named Mark Duggan. As a result of many things, including a feeling of disempowerment from authority hundreds, indeed thousands of people chose to protest the reasons this man was shot. Some arguments surrounded Mr Duggan being black and questioned whether there might have been a racial element to his shooting. Regardless, the protest was right and proper. However those with trouble on their minds infiltrated the movement and within 24 hours, peaceful protest had turned into nationwide rioting where apparently the best way to argue that a police shooting was unjustified, was to immediately wrestle a TV from the wall of the nearest pub and be off with it.
So it seems sensible, dignified and valid protest these days will either be vilified by a media so in bed with big business it can no longer describe itself as a free press. Or it'll be infiltrated by lunatics intent on public disorder and desperate to fill their second hand TV shop down the Old Kent Road.
Unfortunately either way results in a delightful menu served by the police. A entree of water cannon is followed by a good helping of baton charge and if you've still room, there's a dessert of tear gas to round it all off!
Unfortunately either way results in a delightful menu served by the police. A entree of water cannon is followed by a good helping of baton charge and if you've still room, there's a dessert of tear gas to round it all off!
Report due for the boss the next day
We as general members of the public are entirely deliberately left with an impression that we really shouldn't protest any decision made on our behalf as we'd likely be in the wrong in any event and even if we did, well we'd all be beaten and do we really need that?
You see if you've got a report due for the boss the next day, or if you rather fancy that promotion it's probably not the done thing to be going around getting beaten by the police now is it? Probably best not to worry about it or anything else and just concentrate on your own little world and paying the mortgage eh!
And so we come full circle. You see I'll be called a looney, a conspiracy theorist, maybe I'll be metaphorically patted on the head and someone will say condescendingly "I'm glad we live in a free society where even views like yours are able to be expressed", or worse still all views contrary to official lines will simply be ignored, thus dismissing them as unimportant.
But please folks your views are important.
Stop accepting attempts to remove you from the process. Stop saying you're not interested in politics as doing so is to admit to being bullied into submission. Stop accepting mediocrity, stop believing what you're told by our self serving media and start discussing what really matters to our society.
Stop accepting attempts to remove you from the process. Stop saying you're not interested in politics as doing so is to admit to being bullied into submission. Stop accepting mediocrity, stop believing what you're told by our self serving media and start discussing what really matters to our society.
Investigate, get informed and start having discussions with your friends that involve political debate, not whether that fat lad should really have won Britain's Got Talent.
How can we truly accept 'government of the people, by the people and for the people' if we have no argument to present.
So come on, get involved, get protesting and let's all be clubbed to death!
Thanks for reading folks. Comments are always welcome and don't forget to 'like' my page on Facebook.
Until next time,
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